I am pleased to introduce a newlywed soon to be mama blogger and good friend, Jessie Szmanda. She blogs over at I'm a Wife Now? and if you are looking for a daily does of encouragement and smiles I would highly recommend heading over to say hi regularly.
With that said, I am pleased to introduce you to, Jessie.
1. Your Name - Jessie Szmanda
2. Name of your business/blog or both - "I'm A Wife Now?" is my blog, name of business is soon to come :o)
3. Why you came online - To become closer to God, and other women of God. To spread the word of marriage and how it is a sacred and true thing, and to write honestly about my daily life.
Now, as I watch other women grow in their own businesses over the internet, I can't wait to start my own. I am looking forward to the day when I can announce that I am an official business owner. It's so encouraging to see other women who blog, who have been able to start their own business.
4. What your passion is.- Being a wife! And starting a family of faith. I am a soon to be mom, and I look forward to raising our son in the light of God. Having a family is such a passion of mine, and having this family of God makes my heart melt.
5. Include links to your blog, Facbook Fan page, twitter or anywhere else you would like people to go so they can find you!
Head on over and meet Jessie to give her some Friday love.
*post all about you on 4 different sites
*FB and Twitter promotion( 4 fan pages)
*your button on Featured at Sharing the Pages of Life!
Let me partner with you to get your dream, message, or heart out for the world to see.
Oh yay! Thank you so, so much Steph! This is so wonderful :)